Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Well, Curses

Dammit, dammit, dammit. We didn't have any reservations for Acrobat tonight, so they asked me if I wanted to cancel the show. Based on their usual standard of cancelling unless they have at least more than a few reservations...I went ahead and said yes.

At 6pm I get a phone call from Amy Kunz who's standing outside the locked up Shelterbelt door (along with Charley, apparently, and Charley's wife) wondering what's going on. And I discover that tonight was the ONLY night she could have come and seen the show. And she was really looking forward to it.

Seriously, this like...REALLY fucking depressed me. I'm not cancelling any more performances unless NO ONE shows up by curtain time. We get walk-ins. Fuck the reservation list. This just...really fucking upset me. Amy and I had so many conversations over the past year about "Acrobat" and telling her when it was and how excited she was for us. I'm just...le sigh......


OK. On a different note.......Why do weird awkward shit and confusing situations always find me and come knocking back in various reprises over the years?

I can't elaborate. This isn't just a matter of my own privacy. And this isn't a real fucking diary, it's an on-freaking-line public journal.

But thoughts flying through my head of, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, I did it again, what's WRONG with me, I should KNOW better..." run vigorously through my head. I will leave things at that.

So yeah. Back to work tomorrow.



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