Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I'm Back, B!+(#&s!!!

So certainly has been one long-ass time since I last posted. I didn't mean to fall out of the habit, but...I think having the week in Chicago threw me off, and it's hard to make yourself do something in your routine again, you know?

Stuff that's happened and/or happening:

~Eric and I visited Chicago first week in February. And I got to see my college friends, Layne and Chad, and Layne took us to the most awesome and beautifully designed gay bar I've ever seen in my life - it's a video bar, and there are about 5 actual bar areas, and on the night we went (Monday) the theme there is showtunes. Everyone sings along with all this footage from stage/movie musicals, and it's just damn fun. And there's all this artwork everywhere... Let's see, we also got to see the Aquarium in Chicago, which was also awesome (I got see fucking Belugas, yay!!!). We also went to the Museum of Science and Industry (HUGEMONGOUS) where we watched a film at the Omni-Max theatre called "Sea Monsters" or something (it was about prehistoric marine reptillian life).

~She Stoops to Conquer has come and gone, and what a fun cast and fun show! We all had a great time getting to hang out with each other, went karaoking, and this new guy Sean (who's a lawyer - but a fun lawyer!) threw a party at his place (Cathy Kurz and I were the last to leave at around 3:00am, if you can believe it)...just all kinds of great fun.

~Acrobat is finally, finally, FINALLY under-fucking-way! The Shelterbelt has been very accomodating thus far, and we get full lights/sound/set/props/publicity from them. We have our cast in order, and we've had our read-through. Tomorrow, we begin rehearsals! Yay, rehearsals! Yay for a SPACE!

Other than that...let's see, we went to Kona Grill for my birthday (can you say "yummy fucking pork tenderloin?"), and Eric got me the complete series of Twin Peaks, which I'm stoked to finally watch. Also, for V-Day, he got me the graphic-novel version of The Fountain, which is gorgeous.

So yeah...things...have been going well. Exciting times, indeed.


Blogger Melanie said...

FINALLY Senior Ellic,you updated.

My life is more complete.

3:05 PM  

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