Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight

Curses upon John and his singing I have it stuck in my head. Apparently, it's a Tiny Tim song (I looked it up).

Earlier, I had this strange song/chant stuck in my head, to the tune of some weird 60s club music, like in Sweet Charity:

Fop till ya drop!
Fop till ya drop!
Fop! Fop!
Bip, bippety bop!

Wow, I spent like $700 in the past two weeks on groceries/going out/Christmas stuff. Holidays are damn expensive. But Eric and I have lots of new stuff to watch. Ooh, and Eric got me a music writing/recording program for my computer!

Let's see, what else? Oh, go to Le Peep. It's yummy. Yes, it annoys me that the windows say "Le Breakfast" and "Le Lunch"....but I can't help the fact that their food actually was quite tasty. And I had orange ginger mint herbal tea with my meal.

Christmas went well and all...ham, ham, and more fucking ham! I played my 18-year-old cousin in ping pong, and then played my aunts and uncle in pinochle for like two hours.

Looking forward to New Years. I need to get drunk. Hey, it's not alcoholism on New Years. Jeremy, you read my blog, what the fuck are YOU doing on New Years? I'm guessing the Kurzes aren't having their bash, since they're rehearsing (insanely) for Doubt...but everyone should come to Don and Misty's. It's always a good time.

Mm...chicken soup...


Blogger Melanie said...

You know, there is only one good thing about the Kurz's not having their party, and that's the next morning Chili regret.

I love her chili, but not with Champagne.

BTW, I want to rip-roarin' drunk and not remember stuff, like er, um last year.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Mooph said...

I don't know what I'm doing for New Years right now. And the girl might be coming down with something, so there's a small possibility that I may be doing absolutely nothing. :p

And what do you mean next morning Chili regret, Melanie? Aint no such thing.

5:17 PM  

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