Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Yay for another short work week! But now, the holidays will be over and it's back to the grind. Bleh.

New Years was fun, as always. Though, there were less people this year at Don and Misty's. That's ok. More drinks for us! And drink, we did. We went to Perkins afterward, where the service was awful. I think we waited about 45 minutes for our food, and there was barely anybody there.

Not really much else to say. This is a very uneventful blog. Um...more about New Years, maybe? Oh, we played my "Would You Rather" game, but never finished it. We accidentally left Eric's tequila rose and butterscotch schnapps at their place. And I ate a bunch of cheese.

I downloaded a bunch of Damien Rice songs, reminding me of Shining City and how much I wanna see it again.

Jeremy, did you scaramouche? Sorry, we couldn't really hear what you were's way more difficult to decipher bar noises over the phone when you're drunk.

We leave for Minnesota to visit Tim and April in a couple days. Huzzah! I've never been to the Mall of American before, and we get to go see Avenue Q. Yays all around.


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