Synaptic Tangent

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Big Weekend Arrives

New update in things...bad news and good news, and they're related and sort of cancel each other out. Erin, our current June in Acrobat, had to quit the show for personal reasons. But luckily, Jennifer McGill (who is no longer moving to Chicago) has accepted to step back into the part!

Everything has a way of working out.

We have a Kyle now, too. His name's Kevin Stuart, I think. I haven't actually met him yet, but I trust McClain and Caitlin's opinion. He's going to show up next week.

I took that "Emotional Intelligence" class at work yesterday. It was kind of interesting because I found things related to acting. A lot of it was about recognizing and re-directing negative thought to prevent self-destructive emotion, which makes sense - one of the key things I've always stressed about acting is that you don't go up and emote, you have to map out the character's thoughts and think them on stage, and the emotion should be a natural by-product once you're truly thinking like the character.

Today, I'm off work. Getting some well-deserved rest, etc., before the wedding rehearsal and dinner, and then the wedding tomorrow. Yay, groomsman tuxedo! You know, this is only the 2nd time in my entire life that I've worn a tux. I'm pretty sure the only other time was junior year of highschool, at prom. (I didn't go to senior prom, so...)

::glares at the TV:: The announcer just said "Horton hears a HIT!!!" Fuck you, murderers of Dr. Seuss.

I haven't been able to cook lately, with rehearsals and all. I actually should go grocery shopping at some point today. I just need to work up the motivation to finally start for the day, work out, take a shower, etc.

April's bachelorette party was last night, and I spent a bunch of time catching up with Kris Byars, whom I haven't seen in almost a year and a half, I think. She's moved back into her parents' old house, after dealing with all the estated paperwork, etc. I still can't believe both her parents died so soon in time to each other. Her dad had been living with cancer for years, and then all of a sudden, her mom died of pancreotic cancer, really rapidly. I guess her dad died less than a year after that. She seems to be doing well, though. She's who she always has been. I personally still can't believe that she and I have been friends for almost 12 years, now.

Anyway, I suppose I should motivate and get started on stuff, here.


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