Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I really don't know what I mean by the title of this post. It just sort of popped in there. Maybe "Jackrobat" is the one-man version of "Acrobat", sex-scenes included. Maybe YOU are a jackrobat, to talk like this, and jack like that.

Wow, that was weird...

Anyway. We've got three rehearsals down. I always have the hardest time with A) the beginning of the play, and B) the first week of rehearsals. I always feel like I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing, and then I worry about it - it's like my mind won't let me go, "What are you worried about? This is what always happens. It's the beginning. It's still rough, we've got TIME. Calm down." Somehow, I feel like if I can't help the actors perfect it from the very beginning, that somehow I'm not doing my job. But I do this freakout with acting, too. As an actor, I always seem to leave the 2nd or 3rd rehearsal depressed and feeling like I should quit the theatre.

So...just grit the teeth, take a chill pill, and continue working and staying focused...remember how good we had it last summer, it'll get there again in no time. That's my mantra.

That's a long fucking mantra.

And I must be an acromantra
To talk like this
And eat cilantra....

(Cilantra, in my mind, being the feminine version of cilantro.........whatever the fuck I mean by that......serious, what's with me tonight? And what the fuck does acromantra mean???)

Yay, random person posted a comment on my last blog! Here's to you! ::salutes::

I'm so exhausted. WHY DO I HAVE A DAY JOB!? There's no time for me to GET anything DONE. Stupid investment industry. Stupid lack of professional theatre in this city. Blargh. Blargh, I say!

I think there was an enemy in Super Mario World called a Blargh. Yeah, they were these magma creatures that jumped out of lava to try and eatcha.


OK, I think I should go.


Blogger Melanie said...

I'm gonna jump out of some lava and eatcha.

MMMmmm, Eric....

4:06 PM  

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