Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Call Me Mr. Wilson

OK, this is a weird post to come back into after not posting for so long, but...

I just have to vent. I don't ever, ever want kids. Ever. I know too many kids who I'd like to throw through a window. And I'm worried if I ever had some of my own around me constantly I might actually take that extra step...

I like OTHER peoples' BABIES. They're cute. And I can say hello and soak in their cuteness. And then I can leave. I have less tolerance for children of other ages. I just...AUUUGHHH!

It's difficult to explain. I get frustrated really easily around children. I have no clue how to talk to them. Being in a room alone with a kid makes me really uncomfortable for some reason, like I'm somehow supposed to entertain them. But I honestly have no idea how to communicate with kids. I don't know if I should talk one way, or the other way, or what the fuck to say to them. And I like to be left alone a lot of the time, so there's that problem, too.

Another problem is that I really was forced to grow up so quickly, having parents who were out drinking with their friends half the week, leaving Bryan and I to more or less fend for ourselves other than occasional phone calls. So growing up, I always identified more with adults (I was always the highschool kid who spent time talking to the parents at friends' parties) and I never truly felt comfortable just being in my own peer group - I was good with individual friends I things in common with, but never felt like part of my own age group.

So I have no clue how kids think or like to talk...or at least I don't REMEMBER how. Because I don't remember much about it.

I don't want kids. In truth, I'd fuck them up too much. I know I'd be a horrifying parent, and I guess I sort of deal with that by resenting kids, or something. Yay, deep-seated psychological problems!


Blogger Mooph said...

See...what makes me not want children is my fear of fucking them up. My friends seem to think I'd make a great father. I'm not so convinced.

I will say however that watching Delaney Kunz grow up these last half dozen years...she's an argument for the other side. If I could be guaranteed to have a kid like that, I'd totally dive in without any qualms or hesitations.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I think I'm the opposite. I've never wanted kids because of this fear of dying in childbirth, (and YOU thought you had mental problems!) but the more I'm around my nephews, the more I see how lucky my sister is. And maybe I would fuck them up... C'mon, world keeps spining.

4:01 PM  

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