Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, July 06, 2008

"Today, It Rains Champagne!"

Oh, Ann Margaret, rolling around in suds, baked beans and chocolate syrup...just as nature intended her...I showed Eric that clip from the movie Tommy earlier today.

So, we had fun tonight at April and Tim's house-warming party. Cool new house. Quadra-split-level thing going, I like it. With a fairy room! Now, should I call it a fairy room or a faerie room? Which one makes it sound gayer? Probably fairy. I guess that depends, though. Since faerie is the "fancier" spelling, maybe that's gayer. But you don't see "faerie" much in conjunction with homosexuals.

Any votes?

Today was a pretty good day. Made breakfast...scrambled eggs, and then I made something pretty tasty...go and buy "Quaker Simple Harvest" from the store. It's like oatmeal, but with more grains in it. The kind I used was apple cinnamon, but they've got lots of good flavors. Anyway, then you just add craisins to it. I fucking love craisins. Yes Jeremy, I know you're "not a cranberry person", but I don't care, I love craisins. Especially in apple-cinnamon "Simple Harvest".

But I digress...then, did laundry and played FF6 with Eric for a couple more hours. We're trying to level shit up and prepare before going to the Floating Continent and attempt (in vain) to stop Kefka from moving the Statues out of alignment and causing the apocalypse. It can kind of be a downer with the apocalypse is supposed to be PART of the plot, though. At least it's only the half-way point, so there's still hope after.

Then, did a short workout, took a shower, and Eric and I went to the house-warming party. Yay, keggerator! Yay, hotdogs and bratwurst and German chocolate cake! John was wondering about the Cosentry guy, Matt something-or-other. I kind of wondered, too, but I figured any musings were deflected once he started talking about how hot Emmy Rossum is. But you never know. Also got to see Tori and Adam. I like Adam, but I never get to talk to him much. He seems like a cool guy.

Finally, Eric and I went and saw Wanted. Yes, very far-fetched crazy-fucking-action movie with stupid dialogue, but it was fun. James McAvoy, who's cute. And how skinny does Angelina Jolie have to get before she can sleep in an envelope? I seriously don't get the whole bone-thin look. Seriously. I'm not sexually attracted to women, no, but I do find them aesthetically attractive, and the bone-thin thing just makes me go "ugh!" Seriously. Angelina Jolie is not pretty. Rachel Weisz is pretty.

OK. I'm pretty tahred. Nite-nite.


Blogger Melanie said...

By the sounds of your blog,you should be wondering how to spell "butch."

4:40 PM  
Blogger Mooph said...

Kinda been neglecting this space as of late, have we not? :)

9:43 AM  
Blogger Mooph said...

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9:44 AM  
Blogger Mooph said...

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9:44 AM  

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