Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Decisions, Decisions...


I don't wanna cast shows,
Cuz maybe if I did,
I couldn't be a Toys R Us kid!

This casting thing is driving me nuts. Mainly because of the not-having-enough-guys. I think I may have found a solution, though, which I will not enclose here, not knowing who could read this.

You know, it's gonna be really weird if we have a play where several of the characters are gay men, and then at the nightclub scenes we have nothing but women dancers.

Anyway, other things I have to do...

1) Call my parents and grandparents...apparently, my dad's aunt Sara died yesterday...I knew Sara growing up, too. I knew her as "Silly Sara" because that's what everyone told me to call her when I was like 2 or 3. I also need to call my parents because Bear had her puppies but apparently she's having problems...

2) I need to call Trude and find out if she's ready for the first rehearsal and if she can come to the read-through.

3) I need to call Scott to find out about rehearsals, and then call other people about rehearsals.

4) I need to give Kaci tech duties, like noting all our props and coming up with the stuff we have to have that's food/consumable.

5) I need to send an e-mail to Scott, the list of all our props we borrowed

God, the list goes on...but this is all becoming pressing stuff. You know, we should have had the auditions like a few weeks ago or something, well before we start rehearsals. Oh well. No turning back now.


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