Synaptic Tangent

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Holy Mother of God, It's a BLOG ENTRY, Melanie!!!

That's right. That's right, folks. And by "folks," I mean Melanie. Since Melanie is like the ONLY person who ever reads this, anyway. I'm blogging. That's right - B-L-O-G-G-I-N-G. I hope you're satisfied. I hope this fixes the world, or something. I hope my blog entry discovers the cure to cancer.

Anyway, all that aside...Well, I'm living with Eric and his family now. We've opened "The Seagull" at Brigit St. Brigit, which is awesome, I love working with this group of people. Especially getting to watch David Mainelli in a really steamy and sensual scene with Char Willoughby.

Eric agrees that we should fingertrap David Mainelli.

There's a lot of people Eric and I should fingertrap.

Anyway, I've finally got my own computer set up at Eric's house, which will give me more of a chance to be online and to................BLOG!!!

But for right now, I'm pretty tired. Long day. Long evening. Ate too much. Did too much. Muched too much.

Anyway,'s some Sondheim:

"With so little to be sure of,
If there's anything at all...
If there's anything at all,
I'm sure of here and now,
And us together.

All I'll ever be, I owe you,
If there's anything to be.
Being sure enough of you,
Makes me sure enough of me.

Thanks for everything we did...
Everything that's passed...
Everything that's over
Too fast.
None of it was wasted.
All of it will last.
Everything that's here and now,
And us together...

It was marvelous to know you,
And it's never really through.
Crazy business, this - this life we live in!
Can't complain about the time we're given.
With so little to be sure of in this world,
We had a moment...
A marvelous moment."


Blogger Melanie said...

Did I hear sensual & David Mainelli in the same sentance?
F-Yeah!! Huzzah Huzzah!

11:14 PM  

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