Synaptic Tangent

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Wow, talk about a New Years Eve...

So, Eric and I go to Mel Walters' party on the night before New Years Eve, and Melanie and John and everybody and their name twin is there. Seriously, there was Eric and myself, and there were 3 Melanies, 2 Ryans and 2 Johns. It was almost disgusting. Almost. And I discovered what Eric is like when he's had a few drinks - very, shall we say, frisky. He was being incredibly playful the whole night. He seemed to have an affinity for my Axe spray. God, I feel so trendy admitting I wear Axe. Oh well. Whatever.

I won't go into detail, but some "stuff" happened later that night. Like in the middle of the night, it was rather spontaneous.

New Years Eve itself was every bit as crazy as last year, only more enjoyable. Eric and I first went to the Kurzes party, where I brought a beaujolais, in honor of my character Joseph from "My Three Angels". David Mainelli brought one too. I had about 4 or 5 glasses of it, so it's a good thing Eric was driving and had not had a single drink yet. And the chili that Cathy made was interesting. She put cinammon in it. It gave it a sweet flavor that was nice. And I seriously wonder what everyone thought when Eric and I arrived together, more or less sat with one another the whole time and then left together - not that I think anyone would be weirded out by it, but it would just be funny, since none of them had any idea we were even hanging out to begin with, even as friends.

So then...the REAL New Years Eve party Don and Misty's. Eric and I arrive late, and Melanie tells us we have to "catch up" on shots.

Curse you, Melanie, Mistress of Alcoholic Face Contortions.

After, of my own accord, I do two shots of this sour stuff (it had kind of a fruity flavor), Melanie proceeds to make Eric and I (and others) do THREE shots right off the bat:

1. Cuervo
2. Peach Schnapps
3. Jagermeister

Yeah...yeah...I think you see where this is going.

Then midnight comes, and there's nasty-ass champagne. This is AFTER the shots (and jungle juice and Smirnof drinks).

Then the legendary "death shot" where Melanie decides it'll be "fun" to mix everything at Don and Misty's bar and make us drink a shot of it.

Eric and I passed out on a couch some time around 2 in the morning.

But it was nice when, at about 6, I woke up because I could feel him shifting around - he was turning over to face me and clinging to me because he was cold. I was awake long enough to know what was going on and just sort of wrapped my arms around him tighter to stop him from shivering.

The next morning, they dressed Eric up (asleep) in a yellow feathered tiara and took a picture with me standing over him like "Wow, talk about a good time!" Then we went to IHOP. There was hair-and-curd creamer (don't ask).

Anycrud, this week's been okay. Other than my car being a piece of shite. And not just any shite. No, this is a brick of baked monkey-with-indigestion shite that's been sitting in a damp place for days. That's my car. Seriously, though, I'm sick of having to ask Eric to come pick me up and drive me around on weekends. =( I feel like an ass.

I'm currently playing Xenogears, which is the game Eric got me for Christmas. I never thought they could cram THAT MUCH PLOT into a few hours of game time. Seriously, I'm all freaked out like, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" I've never had a game where the story kept me so consistently hooked.

Anyway, I need to go drive my stupid brick of shite home. Let's hope it gets all the way without incident.

Oh, the word of the day is "anercourse".

I laughed till I turned into a hyena when I heard that word.


Blogger Melanie said...

It's about FREAKIN time you updated. BTW my "Fun" shot is just that, fun....



7:11 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

BTW Eric, you ARE Trendy for wearing Axe, but I love you anyway

10:57 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...


12:17 AM  

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