Synaptic Tangent

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"Smokey Butt"

From my Stupid Quotes actual misprinting of this famous lyric:

"Hark the herald angels sing,
Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
Gold and sinners reconciled..."

I am currently listening to my friend Christine's new CD that she and her friend Michelle made with their band, and it's uber-awesome! I love the way their voices harmonize. There are two songs on here I love called "Mary" and "Aries". There's a song on here also called "My Consequence" and the opening lyric is "smokey bar..." but they have little blurbs with them talking about the songs in between things, and Christine mentions that an alternate title for this song (as a joke) was "Smokey Butt".

I spent a great deal of my Christmas weekend (with the exception of Christmas Day) with Eric. I actually spent the night at his house, twice. I love his brothers and sisters. His two youngest brothers, Joel and Jordan, practically worship him as their cool older brother who can beat all their favorite videogames. I love watching him interact with them.

I actually slept on his futon bed with him. No, nothing "happened", nor did I intend it to. It was very innocent, and very nice, actually. We just slept, with him cuddled in my arms. He actually pleasantly surprised me by turning over and kissing me goodnight before we both fell unconscious.

I know this sounds stupid, but I actually am motivated to start working out again, because of him. I spent so much time being depressed and doing failed attempts to get in shape in order to attract guys. And it's funny because I know a lot of people who STOPPED working out once they met someone. But it's different for's like I WANT to...well, you know, attract him and stuff and have the ability to turn him on, etc. So it's like I want to work at it, specifically for him.

I'm going to make it a habit of monitoring my progress here, I think. It's silly, but typing it out here, even if no one reads my blog or pays that much attention...I think that will help keep me in check.

It'll be difficult to get in shape, hanging out with him, though - he wants to eat greasy, carby food all the time. Stupid people with their stupid fast metabolisms. =P He's actually a very picky eater. He doesn't like fish. He won't eat cold meats (no deli sandwiches). He won't eat hotdogs or sausages. He doesn't seem to eat many vegetables. Hmmm...I will have to break him in on things. Mwahahaha.

For Christmas, I got:

Socks (hey, that's awesome, I NEED socks, seriously I do)
DVD player
Bed foam cushion
New pillow (LOVE it, I had all these old, flat pillows)
Xenogears (Eric got me this, yay!)
Chocolates (which Eric's brother Jordan ate most of)
Scarf that grandma knitted

That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but there may have been a couple other things.

Oh, and the other day, Eric was driving and was pissed at this person in front of him going slow, so finally he passed them and says "I am SO done being behind you."

I started cracking up at this, because I (of course) instantly imagined that phrase as something hysterical if someone said it immediately after sex. Eric and I kept laughing about it all weekend. It became our inside joke for the holiday.


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