Synaptic Tangent

Thursday, January 19, 2006

"Oh simple thing, where have you gone?"

So much has happened in the past...crap, how long ago was it I did the last post? I think it's been at least a week and a half.

I put in my resignation at work. I'm going to work up in Omaha, instead. The question now is: Where? I'm putting in applications, etc. right now. I'm sure I'll find something. And if not, I have no qualms doing the checkout lanes at Shut Up and Save, or K-mapart again. At least temporarily.

According to the radio, the best medicine for a cold is a hot, steamy love session. Actually, the radio mentioned it and then Eric confirmed it, told me he'd heard it before. I wonder if that's a hint...Actually, I had a cold this weekend. I still do. I probably gave it to him. I feel bad.

I also feel bad because I keep dragging him out to Mic's karaoke, and although it's fun and all, he has a hard time around cigarette smoke and that place is like SATURATED smoke. And he never gets to sing, and he's always tired and has to leave early. But he keeps showing up anyway, to see me, when I'm there with other friends.

Actually, I want to meet some of his friends, because...well, so far, I really haven't, other than briefly meeting all his friends at Dana College, in passing. Although, that reminds me, I must call Kris Anderzhon so Eric and I can go do something with Kris and his girlfriend (whom Eric went to Dana with).

Eric and Melanie are in a show together, yay! He's Lysander and she's Titania in Midsummer Nights Dream. =( I wish I were in it with them, but I'm already doing a show at the same time at BSB. They're going to talk about me behind my back now, boyfriend and Melanie are gonna become girlfriends and gossip about me.

Yay! I go to Chicago with Eric for his grad school auditions in a couple more weeks. I just hope nothing bad happens before then, financially, so I have enough money to go.

And I'm being all disgusting cute and couple-ish, because I do nothing all week but pout about how I miss Eric. But my car is fixed again (for now), which means I can visit him more often!

I've been listening to a new CD lately - "Hopes and Fears" by Keane. I like their sound - I love piano, and I love the lead singer's voice. And there's something about the song "Somewhere Only We Know" that evokes strong emotion in me. It's one of those emotions I can't grasp or describe, kind of intangible. I love it when music does that to me. I'll sit there and listen to a song over and over without understanding why or what I'm feeling. It's like a drug.

Finally, I'm hoping my schedule for "The Seagull" rehearsals work out OK with Don's film shooting schedule. I challenge! Ha-HA!


Blogger Melanie said...

SHHHH, shut-up, there he is...... We weren't talking about you Eric, giggle giggle...

I'm actually excited to start, although I don't have too many scenes with him, just the final one really.

Eric I luv ya, you're so cool. Music is like that sometimes, I'll listen to something so stupid and I'll be all crying because I love it so much and I feel retarded. But I'll do it over and over again.

12:17 AM  

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