Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm Back, Someone Gimme a Lei and a Hug


How y'all been? (And by "y'all" of course I mean Melanie). It's been a while. Yup...quite a long, long time. much crap has happened.

Once again, Acrobat didn't happen. We got so, so close. We were going to be performing at The Magic Theatre, downtown (it's a block north of the Orpheum). We had been rehearsing for almost two months, and things were going great...and then Julia, one of the people who rents the place, informed me, the Wednesday before tech week, that the city of Omaha (who own that building) had pulled their assembly permit. Needless to say, we could no longer perform there. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!

I'm going to be directing The Shadow of a Gunman at the Brigit St. Brigit, this September/October. I have a really good cast, consisting so far of Eric GL, Jennifer McGill, Eric Griffith, Steve Miller, Char Willoughby, Matt Brown and Michael Loy. I still need to have callbacks to fill the roles of Tommy and Maguire, plus I need to re-cast Mrs. Grigson.

Cathy has cast me as Dawg in Orpheus Descending.

Eric and I are going to visit San Francisco at the end of August. We're driving there and staying for 3 days, then driving back. I'm really excited because I've never seen mountains or the ocean before, so yay! I should be able to save up about $700, and Eric should have about $800, plus his credit card if we need any extra or emergency (I got my credit card too).

It's been an okay summer...(better if Acrobat had happened). I'm still paying off a lot of my debts. I started with almost like $7000 in debt, and now I'm down to about $3600. Of course, this doesn't include my student loans, but those are only like $30/month, so big deal.

I have an itch to watch Hedwig again, but I want other people to watch it with us. Damn it, ONE of us needs to get their own damn place!

Anyway, I'll blog again soon, I promise. I'm out for now.


Blogger Melanie said...


You are back on my kissy list.

Ok, you're right, you were never off it in the first place.

3:39 PM  

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