Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Wow, it's been a long mofo bitchass bitchbastard of a week. In between crazy job, crazy snow, and nonstop rehearsals...

Why is it that during the early rehearsals of every show I do, I have this horrible period of depression and insecurity where I feel like a complete fraud? It happens every time. I don't know...

My legs hurt. I'm contemplating making a mimosa. I've got the OJ and the champagne. I don't give a flying fuck if it's breakfast or not.

Well, I got all my laundry done tonight, at least. I still need to balance my checkbook, but I don't feel like doing anything else tonight. Doing things sucks. Nah...I just wish I could justify coming home in between work and rehearsals to get shit done, but...NO. I work right the fuck across the street, so NO. It just...I would feel like it was such a waste of gas...So I use that time to work on my lines and stuff.

I never feel like there's enough time to properly devote to acting. There are a lot of people who don't seem to get that it takes a ton of work OUTSIDE of rehearsal time. It's an actor's responsibility to work on the lines and the character on their own time, so that rehearsals are spent shaping the play and finding the connections with other characters.

Little Children was good. Albeit disturbing. But it stars Patrick Wilson's ass!

There's never enough money. Good God, I've got this great new job, and I still don't feel like there's enough money. It's cuz of all my damn debt. I feel like I have to save all this money in order to meet paying that debt, and I do.

Anyway, I'm tired. That's all, folks.


Blogger Melanie said...

You're no fraud, I'M the fraud. I'M exhaufuckingsted.

Actually, no, I'm not a fraud either, nor am I exhausfuckingsted. I just like using that term now. YAY!

7:09 PM  

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