Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Back in ACAT Land

Ah yes, the good old days of I have missed you. Actually, Non-ACATS, now. Exclusively! Melanie'll love it!

I have started my new job at a new broker-dealer, and so far, I love it. I am an Asset Delivery Processor. I work with a team of people, and we all do the transfers, in-kind and liquid. I specifically am in charge of two things: check disbursements and deliveries. Check disbursements are exactly what they sound like - someone either signs a letter or phones in a request, and that request is passed on to me and I cut a check from their brokerage account and send it right out to them. Deliveries are outgoing transfers (Non-ACATS! Which means Non-Automated-Customer-Account-Transfers!). That's where another company that's set up an account for one of our clients sends us transfer paperwork and I send the stocks/mutual funds/cash from that clients account to the other company. Well, rather, I request it and then forward the paperwork to our clearing firm, and they send the assets while I keep track and make sure it all gets done properly.

This all sounds so freaking exciting, I know. But here's the exciting part: I'm getting paid $14.36/hour to do this! And my supervisor was like, "Yeah, you can come in any time between 7:30 and 9:00 in the morning. I don't really care, as long as you work 8 hours and get your work done and in on time." Yay for flex hours!

Eric and I got a lot done tonight, in our room. We cleaned up the floor and all the piles of crap, and it looks halfway decent now. We still have to organize a few things, like the closet, shelves, bookcase, and my desk. But one step at a long as we maintain upkeep after that first step is accomplished. Backtracking sucks.

I'm excited for the Instant Theatre thing at the Shelterbelt this Saturday. I'm surprised they chose me as one of the four directors. I'm a little nervous, in fact. Oh well. I'm just going to have a good time. It will be exhausting, though, as I have to be there from 6:30am to almost midnight that evening.

I think our Chess reading went great. I need to remember to make Melanie a copy of the soundtrack.

Yay for Christmas dinner this Sunday, at Vivace's!

I finished Wicked. Wow, not a happy book. But it was really good. Just really, really sad.

Okay, that's all for now, folks.

And you wonder: Will I leave her? But how?
I cross over borders, but I'm still there now.


Blogger Melanie said...


I'm excited about Vivace too. MMMMM veal

10:02 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

I mourn for all the tasty babies that had to die, just so you could smother them in delicious sauce and chew and swallow their tender bodies.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I "mourn" as you liek to call it too: and if by "mourn" you mean DEVOUR, then yes, I mourn too.

10:43 PM  

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