Synaptic Tangent

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

She has eight 'ginas...

Yessir, the Angel of America has eight vaginas and is also hermaphroditically equipped with a bouquet of phalli...

Don't look at me crazy. I didn't write it. Tony Kushner did.

If anyone is interested (all three of you who read my blog), I have posted both Semblable and Acrobat scripts on my web page now:

You can view a couple other short scripts there, too, although there are a couple where the links don't work b/c I still have to re-type those plays (I have hard copies, but the computer files were lost after my other computer crashed).

I suppose I could always, what am I saying, that would be one huge-ass image document.

I'm listening to the soundtrack to Angels in America. It's all very pretty. There's this track I want to use in Semblable, though, b/c I think the effect would be funny - the music is very suspenseful and dramatic, and it would counterpoint nicely with the comical battle of nonsense words between Miss Blable and Nichole. I also managed to find an mp3 of "Rich Man's Frug" to use for the Act Two opening crazy dance that they do.

Speaking of crazy dances, if you want to see that dance sequence from the movie version of Sweet Charity, go to and search for "Rich Man's Frug". My friend Meg giggled when she saw it and said the first words that popped into her head as she watched the people dance were, "Hey, everyone! Let's do the Sexual Chicken!"

My schedule's gonna be crazy again...well, not AS crazy as two weeks ago, but still...Suzanne called me up and asked me if I could do a Readers' Theatre thing for the's this Halloween thing down at some cemetery in north Omaha....yeah, cemetery in North O...that sounds foreboding.

So basically, here's my week:

Tuesday: Rehearsal for readers theater at The Rose at 6pm
Wednesday: Brush-up rehearsal for Arsenic at BSB at 7pm
Thursday: Rehearsal for readers theatre at The Rose at 6pm, and then costume shopping at Mangelsen's with Mel and Eric at 8:30pm
Friday: "Arsenic" performance
Saturday: The Rose thing down at foreboding cemetery at, I think she said, 1:30-ish, then "Arsenic" later that evening

So, there's not enough time for me to do stuff at work and at theatre and recover from it all, and just have the days I just want to veg out. When did I become so tired??? Seriously, I have all these things I want to get done - have a nice, clean place to live, lead an organized life, work out and be healthy, prepare home-cooked meals, go interesting new places like parks or historical places, etc.........but I never have the energy to DO these things. Like I come home from work every day, or the plays...and all I ever feel like doing is sitting around and just zoning out for a while.

And I have a fucking cold sore right now, which really sucks. Hurry up, Abreva, and do your job! You're not working fast enough!

On a good note, I had an avocado last night. And today, chicken soup!

Know what's good? Martha's Vineyard salad at Arby's. Seriously, go try it, it's awesome...dark lettuce, fresh apple cubes, dried cranberries, grape tomatoes, sliced almonds, and raspberry vinaigrette.

Go try it, bitch-bastards!!


Blogger Melanie said...

Tell Chip to go to Mangelsen's with us. He said he was going to play it by ear, which in Chip language means, "No."

3:50 PM  

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