Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Boy Who Cried Wolf

Something happened this morning that really pissed me off, and it didn't even have anything to do with me.

Jordan (Eric's youngest brother) comes out into the kitchen, and in the first place, Molly (his sister who's in highschool) drives both him and Joel (other brother) to school in the morning, yet Jordan is constantly sleeping till whenever he feels like and doesn't bat an eye or even listen to Molly when she tells him to hurry up. And then there's the whole he-gets-the-cereal-eats-it-slowly-while-she's-frustrated-because-she-doesn't-wanna-be-late-and-then-he-doesn't-bother-putting-the-cereal-away thing...there's that...

But this wasn't what pissed me off.

He's eating his fucking cereal, and he sees a Crunch Bar on the counter, and he looks at Molly with this indignant look on his face and goes, "Where'd you get that?" (Did I mention nearly everything out of his mouth has a negative or disgusted tone to it?)

And Molly said it wasn't hers. And Jordan continues, "Where'd you get that?" Molly tells him to hurry up and eat his cereal, which he doesn't, but he goes on and says "If you got that from Mom's room, it's MINE" in this how-dare-you-touch-my-stuff tone...

Molly goes, "It was SITTING there, Jordan, it's not mine!" So then Jordan grabs the crunch bar and heads off into the living room to eat it (not eating his breakfast).

So then, Joel comes out into the kitchen, looks around, and looks at Molly and says, "Hey, where did my crunch bar go?"

So apparently, it wasn't Jordan's at all. There are multiple things here that I wanted to storm out into the living room and scream at him:

A) The fact that he takes other peoples' stuff
B) The fact that he made up a lie to take the stuff
C) The fact that he tried yelling at MOLLY just to make it seem like it was his

But these aren't what bother me the most...

What bothers me the most is that when Joel confronted him and demanded his crunch bar back, Jordan shows absolutely no remorse. Now I don't mean visible remorse, b/c it takes a lot usually for children who want something to show visible remorse.

But most kids will show some sort of involuntary shame or something when they're caught in a lie or they've done something they know is wrong.

Not Jordan. He sits there and stares at Joel like Joel's the one who's done wrong to HIM. And he tries saying all these things to FURTHER construe the lie, not to get out of being caught, but rather to get the crunch bar. The lies aren't like, "Oh, I thought it was one of mine" it was stuff that was more directly goaled towards just getting the object. There was no regard in his voice, face, or actions for the fact that he had stolen or that he had got caught.

He didn't bat an eye. He didn't care, one bit. His entire attitude was "Oh well, maybe next time..."

What bugs me even more is the fact that Connie and Kevin don't follow through on any discipline with him. They keep using his disorder (impulse control problems) as a crutch.

People. Just because someone has impulse control problems doesn't make the times they do something wrong any LESS wrong. It simply means that they have a disorder that makes them more PRONE to do wrong and although they may need more understandnig, they still have to be taught there are SEVERE CONSEQUENCES for their actions. They, more than ordinary people! Because it takes more effort to get the concept through to them.

If you love someone, you do not make excuses for them. You make them realize when they're doing something wrong.

I am just...

This kid just mortifies me, sometimes. One time, he took $50 right out of his sister's wallet, in her room.

And there's no one there to teach him ANYTHING.


Blogger Melanie said...

You need your own place, dude.

6:46 PM  

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