Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sass-Mo the Magic Puppy

Well, it was a nice weekend. Really, it was. Eric and I were both (yes, both) invited out to my parents' house for Labor Day dinner. My mom and dad both were very hospitable and friendly. My mom was chatting with Eric, asking him stuff about himself and telling him stories about her life and our house, and everything.

And we got to see the 3 puppies of Bear's that are still left - Sassy (Sass-Mo), Fozzie Girl and Sherman. And I got to play the piano a little just to show Eric what some of the music from "Beauty" sounds like. And we watched both "Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "Planes, Trains and Automobiles", which Eric had never seen...a few moments I love...

"I'm terrified of realtors!" (flashback to Meryl Streep cautiously peeking through her front door, realtor looks at her and smiles, "Is this a bad time?" and Meryl proceeds to cover her mouth and scream at the top of her lungs.)

from P,T, & A

"(Steve Martin giving a big long monologue that includes the word "fucking" in every sentence to the car rental lady) I want a new fucking car RIGHT FUCKING NOW..."

Other than that, we had TimApril fun. John was pretty drunk. John, I know you read this, but - "Can I feel your knee?" That was hilarious. Yes, I do remember much of that night, despite my plastered state and my detachment after taking a turn down Drama Boulevard.

Okay, I would type more, but they're training me on all sorts of crud today, and my schedule is more or less booked up at work. Training from 9 to 9:30, then proofing the ads from 10 to 10:30. Taking a half hour lunch at noon, then more training from 1:00 to 2:00.

Oh, and "Farscape" is probably one of the best TV shows I've watched. It's definitely the best sci-fi series I've ever seen. Mainly because it focuses on the characters and how they grow together, and that's what creates and affects the plot twists that are thrown at them.

And based on a really angsty plot twist in Farscape, here's the question of the decade:

So, suppose you were in love with someone, and they were in love with you? In fact, this is the person who TAUGHT you how to love after a lifetime of considering love a weakness due to your upbringing and circumstances...Okay?

Well, suppose (through the magic of science fiction) this person were "twinned" - that is, two beings were created from one, both with the same memories and experiences prior to the twinning, but they are individuals who grow and develop differently after the twinning. And both believe themselves to be the ORIGINAL person, and think the other is a copy...

Now imagine you get separated from one of them, and spend a chunk of time alone with the OTHER one and with that one you finally consummate that love and share all these tender moments, both physically and emotionally??

And then, that one dies. In your arms.

And then you come back, reunited with your friends, and are now once again around the "other" one, who still loves you as completely as the one who died did, before you were separated, but with whom you have not experienced the precious moments you did with the other???

How the fuck do you deal with THAT?


Blogger Melanie said...

I am so stupid compared to you. I never think about that kind of stuff.

7:01 PM  

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