Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blue Cream

You know what's hella smart?

Eating Lays Stax, along with slices of something that looks like real cheese but tastes dehydrated and says "Cheese food" on the label. And then washing it all down with Frostie Blue Cream Soda.

That's smart. That's GOOD for my stomach. My digestive track's gonna LOVE me, here in about half an hour.

You know, there's just NOT enough time to DO all the shit I want to do right now (get ready, here's another list):

1) Earn full-time money
2) Rehearse for BSB stuff
3) Learn lines for BSB stuff
4) Develop stuff for "Acrobat"
5) Continue writing other things
6) Watch some TV every day, y'know, RELAX
7) Play Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy 1, and about 10 other games I've been meaning to play
8) Work on my website
9) Work on The Lespral Code (my project with Meg that's been in stasis for like the past four years)
10) Compose the music to "Beauty" (after doing revisions)
11) Spend time lounging around every morning in bed with my boyfriend
12) Go on trips with Eric like we did to Chicago
13) Exercise like hell and get in shape
14) Have time every day to prepare healthy, well-rounded meals with a nice variety of nutrition
15) Study new topics, like learn more French, or even a whole new language
16) Read books AND scripts
17) Watch tons of movies
18) Have/go to parties
19) Sing karaoke
20) Take voice lessons to improve my singing (It's severely weakened over the years)

And the list goes on...
And the list goes on...
La di da di dee...
La di da di dah...

All I can say is: Let's hope I live to be like 500 years old.

I asked Meg to draw a character for me - Creole Lady Applebutter! I want to use this parodic character in our blog roleplay with fictional characters.

I hope Eric got to work some today. I feel bad that he missed her phone call yesterday - but we wanted to go to the cemetery to visit Nicole's grave. The headstone is finally up, and it's beautiful. You know, barely anyone at my work even noticed that I was gone, yesterday. Oh well. I still get stuff done around here, even if no one pays attention.

I've been re-listening to A Little Night Music...

Liaisons (sung by Mme. Armfeldt)

At the villa of the Baron de Signac,
Where I spent a somewhat infamous year...
At the villa of the Baron de Signac,
I had ladies in attendance,
Fire-opal pendants...

What's happened to them?
Liaisons today!
What's become of them?
Some of them
Hardly pay their shoddy way--

What once was a fine champagne
Is now just an amiable hock.
What once was a villa, at least,
Is "digs".
What once was a gown with train
Is now just a simple little frock.
What once was a sumptuous feast
Is figs.
No!--No, not even figs--
Ah, liaisons...

Now, let me see...
Where was I?
Oh, yes...

At the palace of the Duke of Ferara,
Who was prematurely deaf but a dear...
At the palace of the Duke of Ferara,
I acquired some position
Plus a tiny Titian.

What's happened to them?
Liaisons today!
To see them--
Pains me more than I can say--
The lack of taste that they display!

Where is style?
Where is skill?
Where is forethought?
Where's discretion of the heart?
Where is passion in the art?
Where is craft?
With a smile
And a will,
But with more thought,
I acquired a fine chateau,
Extragantly o-

Too many people muddle sex
With mere desire,
And when emotion intervenes,
The nets descends.
It shouldn't follow to perplex,
Or worse, inspire--
It's just a pleasurable means
To a measurable end.
Why can no one comprehend?
Let us hope this lunacy's just a trend!

Now, let me see...
Where was I?
Oh, yes...

In the castle of the King of the Belgians...
(We would visit through a false chiffonier!)
In the castle of the King of the Belgians,
Who when things got rather touchy,
Deeded me a duchy.

What's happened to them?
Liaisons today!
Take my daughter--I
Taught her! I
Did my best to point the way.
I even named her Desiree.

In a world where the kings
Are employers,
Where the amateur prevails
And delicacy fails
To pay...
In a world where the princes
Are lawyers,
What can one expect
Except to recollect
Liai... [falls asleep]


Blogger Melanie said...

Nicole's marker does look fabulous. Who ever did the carving was really good at it.

6:47 PM  

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