Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Full of Grace, Full of Grace!

Well, we all watched Pecker last night. Yay for John Waters! I just keep remembering Christina Ricci's line, sobbing and crying to the heavens, "I HATE MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY!"

It was Eric, Melanie, Chip and myself. We went down to Ashland last night. They were having Stirrup Days, which...well, yeah...small town events...basically a bunch of people standing out in the closed-off streets drinking and listening to some hillbilly band. Oh, and we ate at the FABULOUS Keno Kove...yup! That's right. I had a salad that consisted of most the yellow-white parts of iceberg lettuce, topped with a little picco de gallo (the menu called these little bits "tomato"). I had to pour on the bleu cheese dressing to feel like I was actually eating something.

But after that, we went to the Pool Party thing. My parents were helping ROC Ministries in Ashland sponsor a youth pool party to draw kids away from the beer tents, etc. They had a cookout and a "Rootbeer Keg" from the Upstream.

Anyway, I brought Mel, Chip and Eric with me. And I was very happy to see that my mom and dad both were very friendly the entire time. My mom shook hands with Eric and asked him how he was doing, etc. There was nothing awkward at all. It was nice. Very nice.

On a sidenote, Lays kettle-style chips flavored with lime and cracked black pepper...yes...yes, you will need to go beat off now, they're so tasty...

Oh, Acrobat has been postponed. I can't remember if I mentioned that in my last entry or not. Everything just got to be too much, from the conflicts to the casting to the discomfort and then my mom breaking her leg...yeah, just too much...

Currently, I am drinking Bacardi with Coke w/ Lime. Tall glass full o' ice. The world is a nice place.

I've got Act I of Arsenic and Old Lace nearly memorized, methinks. I'll be invited all my relatives to this one, as it's something they can finally identify with. On that note - I don't get people. Why, oh why, do...? You know what, never mind...Ain't worth it. I'm pretty relaxed right now.

Okay...this week, I must:

1) Mail my car title to my credit union
2) Encourage Eric to get a job so we can create a budget
3) Study my lines
4) Overcome my fear of stage combat
5) Organize my bills again, come up with a G.D. plan and STICK with it
6) Start excercising again
7) Get caught up at work

I think that's a good list. Don't you? That's right, you, Blog Audience...Blaudience? Well, whatever...

I've started playing Vagrant Story, which seems interesting. I'll definitely have to get used to the 3-D action RPG thing. But the plot is intriguing so far. It's a lot less mysticism/fantasty/sci-fi and more...feels more medieval and feudal, but with elements of fantasy thrown in, dragons, etc. Reminds me vaguely of Final Fantasy Tactics, although it has the same composer for the music, so that may affect my mindset, too.

I went for a walk today. Then I decided it's too fucking humid. I said to myself, "Walk, you suck right now" and came back. I was memorizing lines. I wish I had a "fabulous leather couch" or a "courtyard where I can take a coffee with me like a regular movie star", as per Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive.

I hope that some day, my bills are $700 or less. That'd be fabu.


"Hey, Louis! He stuck da metal pointy thing in his tummy!"


Blogger Melanie said...

Yea, Doushebag! I hope he'll be der. I luv Doushebag, he's so funny.

Full of Grace!

Full of Grace!

Holu, Mary Mary HOly Holy, Grace, Holy, Grace, Mary, Holy holy holy!

Full of Grace!

8:26 PM  
Blogger JGIII said...

MMM Kettle Chips.

5:39 PM  

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