Synaptic Tangent

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tooth of Death


Holy Virginia Hey, someone please kill me now - you'll be doing my tooth a favor, as my tooth seems to want me dead.

Yeah, at Chip's yesterday, I was eating Honey Bunches of Oats. Well, normally those are great. But not when you have a wisdom tooth that has broken and decayed enough so that now there's barely anything left except a nice little crater for food to get lodged in....RIGHT NEXT TO A NERVE.

Yes, I managed to shove a delicious honey-glazed oat cluster straight into said crater and it practically RAPED the exposed root and gave the nerve a FINE how-do-you-do, sending delightful shockwaves of Why-God type pain throughout my entire head.

Well, Chip got me some anbesol finally...see it cooled off once, then suddenly another "shockwave" came out of nowhere...and then it kept acting up every now and then, so I said fucki it, I'm making my tooth DEAD for now. I could feel nearly that entire side of my mouth, from the anbesol, but it was worth it, believe me.

Well, this morning, I bend over to pick up my shoe, and I'm in that position for an extended amount of time because my shoe is buried under other stuff, and I'm searching for it - when suddenly, something about the pressure from that position gives my tooth another passionate embrace and sends me into more moans of ecstatic misery.

So I bought a whole bottle of Orajel this morning, and I'm caking the shit out of it, all over that fucking whore-tooth.


I should probably see a dentist. Except I have no insurance. So I should see the Creighton dentist place, where I don't have to pay if I can't afford it.

On a lighter note, I like Vagrant Story. I'm getting a little more used to the style of game and the controls.

Also, I'm going to write a script someday called "Hook the Toikey" (turkey), in honor of a dream Chip had, that involved Barry White yelling at the kid who played Beaver, and Morgan Freeman as a checkout clerk.


Blogger Melanie said...

Dude, update

1:40 PM  
Blogger JGIII said...

I am job. Good luck with your tooth. Was it Virginia Fey on Farscape?

10:18 PM  

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