Synaptic Tangent

Monday, September 25, 2006

What Apples Go Around, Come Around

The other night, Eric and I rented a couple movies, and I chose one called "Snow White: A Tale of Terror" that I was curious about because it starred Sam Neill and Sigourney Weaver in a more-closely rendered version of the Grimm Brothers dark tale.

The movie was okay. I thought the actors did well with what they had, but I felt the script was written poorly and the directing was only so-so. There were some creepy and suspenseful moments, but most of the story was very confusing in the details, mostly dialogue. Lines such as "She's been bad luck ever since she came!" when only one bad incident thus far has happened.

Anyway...what I found hilarious, though, was the synopsis on the back of the cover. Here is the final couple sentences:

"This movie will prove, once and for all, that blood is thicker than water, and evil, like an apple, comes around."


"...and an apple....comes around....."



Is there some proverbial apple that I'm unaware of that comes back to haunt people when they throw it away? Or is it a terrible pun on an apple be "round"? Either way, "This movie will prove, once and for all...?"

I'm going to start my own proverb:

"Someone: Hey, I'm gonna eat an apple!
Eric: (shakes head) Okay, but be careful: an apple comes around!"

I will say Sigourney was pretty creepy when she transforms into the old-witch-with-the-apple disguise.

And I guess that apple sure DID come around, whatever that means.

And undead babies are creepy, too.

A couple other odd things, though:

1) Every time someone was scared by a wolf in the woods, they kept using the same close-up shot of a wolf's face snarling

2) And apparently, boa constrictors used to live in medieval Europe. I guess "The Jungle Book" was wrong. we go, yay double-tech-week. I'm just wondering WHEN I'm gonna do laundry. Because all my clothes are dirty.


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