Synaptic Tangent

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wowwipop Galactica

So: Shit. I need to find a new time for Acrobat, and post-haste!

Rehearsals are going well. We just really, really need to pick up the pace in Act I. Come on, people, this is the opening scene, if we bore the audience, the play will be a disaster. Let's move. But Cathy did say to me, last night, "Particularly good run tonight, Manus [my character name]!" So, yay!

I always freak out when I smell that weird burnt-dust smell coming from the furnace because somehow I think that means it's leaking carbon monoxide - and yet I know that carbon monoxide has no smell. I don't know. I just freak out when I smell things coming from the furnace that I think I shouldn't be smelling, because then who knows what it could be doing.

We're well into Season Two of Battlestar Galactica. Melanie, you should watch that show. You'd like it. You would. It's definitely the most un-nerd-like sci-fi show I've ever seen, purely because it's so believable - like you can sit there and go, "My God, I could see this happening." That, and it focuses mostly on the realistic human emotions and socio-political dramas and relationships in the story, rather than about the sci-fi atmosphere itself. And may I just say...? -- Edward James Olmos! And Mary McDonnell! What's not to like?

Let's see...things I need to do...need to renew my driver's license (turning 26 next month, folks), and I need to schedule my continuing education thing to keep my Series 7 license. That'll be fun. Nothing says "party" like sitting in a silent room at Sylvan Learning Center reading about investments on a computer screen for 3 hours.

"I wanna wowwipop." Hey Mel, remember that?

I was thinking for a while yesterday about Nicole again. I recalled a conversation she and Dan (Riley) and I had in a restaurant one day, about the afterlife. I remember her saying that she hoped the afterlife was exactly like this one because she "likes it here". And I recall at that time, thinking (I was going through a lot of weird depression at the time) that I hoped the afterlife was nothing like the physical world because I felt so trapped and confined here. I just thinking how strange it is, then...that she would do that. She used to be much more full of life and pure enjoyment of living than I ever was. She didn't get depressed about the trivial things, like I always did. What happened? And when? She changed, in that last year or so. It's just hard, not being able to understand it...

Okay, I need to go study my lines for the scene today...

I leave you with the simplistic truths of Aimee Mann:

You look like a perfect fit
For a girl in need of a tourniquet
But can you save me?
Come on and save me,
If you could save me
From the ranks
Of the freaks
Who suspect
They could never love anyone.


Blogger Melanie said...

I wemember wowwipop, wike it was westerday.

Eric, I miss you and my other Eric.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...


Check your email. And tell Eric to update already.

7:45 PM  

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