Synaptic Tangent

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Time for a Break

Thank God, we've finally opened The Lark. It hasn't been hell or anything, it's just...after doing two shows in rep this past autumn, and then taking a short break before doing two more shows right in a row, I'm exhausted.

But we've got to start up stuff for Acrobat again right away. I need to get an answer from Scott on Hot Shops, or else we'll need to start looking into PS Collective again, or another venue.

I'm going to take a week off. And then, I've got to start up the process again. We need to start getting organized once more.


Eric and I finished X last night. Lots of people die in the last three episodes, of course, but not as many as in the movie version. In fact, only three people from the Dragons of Heaven (the good guys) die (unless you count Princess Hinoto, and that makes four). In the movie, like...EVERYONE dies except Kamui, the main character. Which is ironic, since the series ends with him dying to restore Fuma's soul, instead of having to kill Fuma.

Kanoe is an interesting character in the series. She torments her sister Princess Hinoto with this vicious hatred in her voice, and goes on about how much she loves watching her suffer...but then when Hinoto kills herself, there's this scene with Kanoe horribly weeping in her bed and crying out Hinoto's name. You never find out what happens to Kanoe after that, though...

I think one of the coolest...well, most interesting (and heartbreaking) plottwists is when Arashi (that's the character that's on Nicole's headstone) switches sides and tries to kill Kamui, because she's been led to believe that it's the only way to protect Sorata from dying for her sake.

Anyway...there's a lot I should do today, but I also want to sleep, since I haven't gotten much this week.

I love the new Aqualung CD Eric got me - especially the opening song, "Cinderella".

Be careful what you hope and you pray for
You know you only get what you pay for


Blogger Melanie said...

ok, Buster, WTF? SINCE April?

10:21 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

dude, Updato!

9:37 AM  

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