Synaptic Tangent

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bloggindy Doo!

I suppose it's time to get back in the blogging spirit. Right now, I wish I didn't have to be anywhere today, but I do. That's all right. I like rehearsals - truly, I do - I just wish I didn't work a full-time office job (and I stress the word "office") that drained me. It's not that I hate the concept of my job itself - I'm just worn out from working for companies that don't have enough people working for them.

Seriously, my job should be split into two jobs. I currently process two things right now: check requests and asset deliveries. And the check requests, of course, have to take priority, because those have to get done on a daily basis, but everyone's always bitching about the asset deliveries and wanting closer follow up on them. I don't have time to really monitor them closely - because here's about how my day goes.

8:30 - this is when I have half an hour to ease into my day...I read my e-mails, sort through mail, and I process any weird miscellaneous stuff that didn't get done the previous day

9:00 - the hammer falls, and it's time to sort through all those damn 3rd party check letters that are faxed or mailed or AREN'T which is just GREAT cuz it means I have to reject shit and people get pouty about it

10:00 - I have to try and sort through some of my address-of-record checks, especially if there's a shit-ton of them (that's company jargon, there, "shit-ton") and if I have TIME, I try to process a few deliveries to get a head start on those

11:00 - the cutoff for regular checks, and I have to try and finish those up, and also try and do my check reports before I take a lunch

Lunch is anytime between noon and 12:30, it depends on the day

1:00 - cutoff for faxed and weird checks, and I tend to get the bulk of them here, which SUCKS, because...

2:00 - checks are SUPPOSED to be all done...but that never happens...the VPs are always not around when I need them to sign, or we're out of check stock, or the people in Customer Service start sending me e-mails about how all these "important" checks (which were entered AFTER CUTOFF AND ARE LATE) have to go out today despite being late

3:15 - I have to have all my asset deliveries done - yeah, this means (see above) that I basically have about an HOUR WINDOW to process the other half of my job


3:30 - I do all the crap work and try and do my miscellaneous follow up stuff...but of course that never happens because I'm usually too busy doing all the work we DIDN'T get done and trying to get it done to be resolved on the next day of work

You know...who the hell decided "Yeah, your cutoff is 1:00, but you have to have everything done within an hour after that"?

I'll tell you who.

Timmy McShithead, that's who.

Anyway, Lark is going something. No, I like it. It's just the rehearsals have been weird because of the way we've been blocking entire acts at once - because of our sudden replace of "The" Cauchon. Oh well. I like my character. I'm just trying to stop doing that thing where I'm putting up a block in front of me so I don't have to be sincere with people, especially the audience - which is not good, since most of my speeches are to the audience. Argh, I hate talking to the audience! Well, I mean...I like this challenge of doing it...but it's not one of my strong points, so I'm griping about trying to overcome it. I know I can do it. When I was going over the lines by myself, I just imagined an invisible person was sitting across from me and I tried just talking to him as I said the lines - and they sounded great then. But for some reason, when I get in front of the whole "audience" it's like I forget how to do that.

Cathy said playing to the audience is "such fun" - it terrifies me! I'd much rather do a regular scene or a soliloquy or something...oh well. I know if I just keep at it, eventually I'll get it. It's just frustrating right now.

You know, I used to be able to play sincerity easily. Somewhere along the way, I got confused and caught up in so many techniques and how to act and how not to act that I think I got mixed up in all that and am now forgetting to play for reality FIRST.

I just need to relax about it. I actually think I need to do what I used to do - learn the lines BLANK first. As in first learn just the words, with little emotion, just let them ramble naturally, and try to get just the words ingrained into my long-term memory.

See, that way, I know they're THERE, so I can stop worrying about it.

Once I have them memorized blankly, I can THEN (during rehearsals and my personal practice time) start going over the actual THOUGHTS and practice intention behind the lines - without have to learn the lines all at the SAME TIME.


Eric's sleeping. He didn't get to bed till...God, when was it? I think sometime after 4:00. I don't know, I was pretty out of it. He sleepsies-all-the-time!

Eric and I are currently watching the anime series X, which of course, Nicole showed to me years ago. It's an Apocalypse-Final-Battle-supernatural story, but the thing that's so good about it is that it focuses entirely on all the characters as real people. The story is really about their relationships as humans and their personal backgrounds and their emotions and how that all is affected as everything comes down and friend is pitted aginst friend, etc.

To give you an idea...the main character is predestined to determine the fate of mankind. There are two factions - the Seven Angels (also called the Dragons of Earth) whose task is to carry out God's judgment and obliterate humanity and save the planet from them. Then, there's the Seven Seals (also called the Dragons of Heaven) who are the only thing protecting mankind - they wish to save humanity from the destruction.

Well, the main character can choose to become EITHER the leader of the Angels or the Seals. He would thus determine the fate of things to come. And he ends up decided to become the Dragon of Heaven, because he wants to protect the two people he loves most in the world - his childhood friend, Fuma, and Fuma's sister Kotori.

Well...what he doesn't that Fuma is his "twin star" and is also become the opposite of whatever he chooses. So the moment he chooses, Fuma instantly loses all his humanity and old personality and becomes the Dragon of Earth - basically, he becomes a cold angel embodying God's judgment.

And of course, the first thing Fuma does is kill his sister Kotori.

So the main character's original idea to protect them both is pretty much fucked up, right there.

Anyway, I think I should go make some breakfast, or something.

It's nice having the house to ourselves while Eric's family is in Chicago this weekend!


Blogger Melanie said...

Dude, it's about time!

Rome-Love, same diff......

10:02 AM  

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