Synaptic Tangent

Friday, May 05, 2006

"My Taters" by the Village Idiot

Wowzers, it's a new blog entry, lookie dat!


Much goings much muchness...

I have a new job! It's only temporary, but I'm hoping if I keep impressing them (with my Mad Excel Skillz) they'll want to keep me full-time. I'm working at the corporate offices for Pamida department stores. I'm the assistant to one of the buyers. Her name's Erica ("I'm Erica, this is my assistant, Eric.") and she buys a lot of the soda, salt tablets and snack products for Pamida stores.

Basically, I take messages for her, and I keep track of all her reports and data, doing filing, spreadsheets for her, etc. And I do all the follow up on new local vendors, since they have to give us the right insurance/payment information. So I keep track of the delinquent documents.

We open "A View from the Bridge" tonight, and it's going to rock the casbah. Seriously, I think Amy Kunz is probably the best actress around Omaha, and she really is amazing in this show. There's a climactic scene between Beatrice, Catherine and Eddie, and every time Amy (as Beatrice) does that scene, I get chills...I'm not even WATCHING, cuz I'm backstage, but I get chills just from the sound of her voice and how she says the lines.

I have no idea when we're filming Don's project next, and I feel bad. Well...mainly because...I had to shave the goatee for the play. And we've filmed scenes for the movie WITH my goatee, which means we may have to wait until AFTER the run of the play to continue filming. I don't think I let it get that long, though, during filming, so maybe if I don't shave for a few days, film on like Thursdays, and then shave it off for Friday night again...I don't know, though. It put me in kind of a pickle, but I haven't heard anything about the film in a while.

Oh, and I've started writing a parody of The Seagull. It's called Bye-Bye, Nina. I'm amused. The character I played is now named Meldveldamadenkdo instead of Medvedenko, and his first line to Masha is, "Why are you such a bitch?"

Another sample line: "...but if you've been reading Tolstoy or Zola, you don't feel like reading Tri-Borin. In truth, if you've been reading a children's grammar book or My Taters by the village idiot, you don't feel like reading him, either."

Eric and I are watching "Farscape", which is a really cool sci-fi series. It's because it's very highly CHARACTER-based. I don't know how to explain it, but I can see why he said it reminds him of "Firefly". The characters are what make it interesting, and their development and interaction. The last few episodes, though, a lot of the characters are starting to turn really selfish and nasty. Poor Pilot, getting his arm cut off...

I haven't had ANY time at all this week to work on Acrobat stuff. It's cuz of tech week for View... Next week, though, I intend to start kicking it into high gear again. I've already e-mailed Glo about the possibility of another read-through, and hopefully she'll respond soon.

Anyway, gotta get back to work. Here, this is from Chess:

No man, no madness...
Though their sad power may prevail...
Can country's heart--
They rise to fail.

She is eternal--
Long before nation's lines were drawn,
When no flags flew, when no armies stood,
My land was born.

And you ask me why I love her,
Through wars, death and despair?
She is the constant;
We, who don't care.
And you wonder: will I leave her?
But how?
I cross over borders,
But I'm still there now.

How can I leave her?
Where would I start?
Let man's petty nations
Tear themselves apart!
My land's only borders
Lie around my heart.


Blogger Melanie said...

YaY! Acrobat,YAY! YAY!



8:49 AM  

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