Synaptic Tangent

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Have You Dliven a Fold Ratery?

Getting cars is such a hassle.

But I trust my credit union, and so I'm not going back to Rhoden Dodge. Apparently, the lady there and the lady at my credit union had a conversation. Right after it was done, the lady at Rhoden called me and was all, "Oh yeah, went great, she said they'll finance you for this amount!" And then, after that, the lady at my credit union calls me all, "DON'T sign anything with them, they're taking you to the cleaners, that conversation did NOT go well, she kept trying to get me to guarantee this price, I said no way, I'm not guaranteeing anything, it should be less than this amount..."

So I'm going to shop around a little, now that I know my credit union is rooting for me and will finance me as long as I get a good deal.

In other news, I guess Matt Jacob's dad passed away from a heart attack, which is strange because he was a total health nut. His dad was a really nice and personable guy, though.

Counterpointing that, however, is the soon-to-be arrival of Matt's son, Beckett. Due in the next month or two, I believe.

Work is going well. I like working here at Pamida Store Support, and I am the Spreadsheetmeister, Master of Excel. Take that, compiled data! Yeah, you know you like it. I overheard the lady I work for talking with my temp agency telling them I'm great, etc., and the possibility of hiring me here full-time. We'll see.

Anyway, that's about all I got time for.

Must finish revisions for Acrobat this week. I'm halfway done.


Blogger Melanie said...

I love sausage. Oh, yeah I said it, sausage.

6:33 PM  

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