Full of Olive Garden and Tiramisu
Lordy, I'm stuffed. We went to dinner tonight with John and Mike at the Olive Garden. There's always SO MUCH DAMN FOOD THERE! It's like, here's an appetizer, now you need two heaping piles of breadsticks, a cascade of salad, oceans of wine, and here's your main course, which is the size of Montana.
Not complaining! It's just, wow. But it was damn good.
It's weird to think that the show I directed is already more than half done, in its run. One more weekend left. Crazy how time flies. I wish Cathy would actually sit down and watch the show some night. I dunno, kinda makes me feel paranoid. Oh well. Mel and John came today, LOVE YOU GUYS!
Right now, Eric's fighting the final battle in his Dragon Quest game. I swear the voice actor for this villain is the same one for Bobbity (sp?) in Dragon Ball Z. We still need to finish Final Fantasy V.
Anyway, it's getting late for a Sunday. Just thought I'd give it the ol' post-a-roo.
Yes, I said post-a-roo, Melanie.