Synaptic Tangent

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hi Ho, Rice A Roni!

Tomorrow, Eric and I leave for San Francisco. I'll be all bouncing off the walls till then, because I'm way overdue for a vacation. And I finally get to see all this shit I've never seen...mountains...the ocean...etc.

Bethany's going to show us around the first day, I guess. And I have to visit this hippie restaurant that Jenner and Kizyr want me to try on their behalf. And of course, there's Alcatraz.

Anyway, I'll blog all about it when I get back.

And I'm excited for The Shadow of a Gunman. The season preview went really well, and I've got all these cool images and ideas in my head now.

Anyway, be back in a week!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Crazy Cats from Hell

I visited my parents last night.

Apparently, some psychotic raccoon-sized stray cat ("feral" was the word they used) got into their laundry room a few days ago and tried killing our young cat Billy - and then when my dad heard all the ruckus, he opened the laundry room door and Billy came zipping out, and our dog Bear ran into and started fighting the huge monster cat - and then the monster cat tried lunging at my dad, so my dad shut the door on it...and so the demon cat from hell is stuck halfway through the door trying to claw at my dad's legs while Bear is tearing away at its hind legs, and my dad doesn't know what to do, so he tries bashing it in the head with a conveniently-nearby skillet...several times...doesn't seem to have any effect on the supervillain-devilcat, so my mom runs downstairs, takes one look (having just woken up from sleep) and goes "Am I dreaming?" And my dad tells her to get his hatchet. So finally my dad manages to kill this rabid were-kitty by hitting it with the blunt size of the hatchet.


Speaking of crazy, after I had dinner with them, my dad had to go rehearse with the church music people. So I was left with my mom. Who, as always, was drinking and watching Jesus of Nazareth and bawling out of guilt of her so-unworthiness for what Christ did for her, and then trying to have serious/drunken conversations with me about what I believe and trying to convince me to move back home again. No, thank you. Wait, no...remove the comma. "No thank you." See? See how I changed that? "No, thank you," implies "No, but thanks anyway!" whereas "No thank you" means "You get no thanks from me!"

Anyhoo...Sunshine is a really good realistic sci-fi/drama/thriller. Go see it.

Hey, I heard a lil' ol' recipe that sounds really good...all you do is butter an ear of sweet corn, then cover it in parmesan cheese and squeeze a little lemon juice over it. Yum!

Alrighty, I'm out.
