Synaptic Tangent

Monday, November 27, 2006

Yay New Job!

Hurray! I got hired at Securities America as an Asset Delivery Processor. I'll be making a starting wage of $14.36 per hour. Plus, if I get my Series 24, they'll add $1040 to my base salary, and they'll add another $1040 if I complete their optional training course.

The place is right next to BSB theatre, so that's a plus. And I looked at my budget - with the money I'll be making there, I should be able to easily pay $500-$600 off my debts every month. Maybe I'll even be debt free by the end of summer, who knows?

Had a "Nightmare" video-boardgame marathon at Chris Elston's the other night, and that was fun. It was amusing seeing us all lose to the video host in every single one, especially since every time, someone would get oh-so-close and then lose horribly.

I wonder where Eric is...I just got home, and he isn't here. He may have had rehearsal at Dana tonight for that choral thing, though. Oh well. Ho hum. Hibble dee.

Hibble dee???

What should I do? I need to do laundry, and I need to do stuff on my e-mail, stuff I've been putting off, response-wise. And I should make more Beauty revisions. Oh, and I need to e-mail people about doing a read/listen of Chess.

Um, and I should work out. I really need to. I'm feeling extremely sluggish lately, and Thanksgiving didn't help matters. Seriously, like I feel like I have no energy, and I haven't been eating as many healthy things as I was a couple weeks ago.

Maybe I should go do that now.

Maybe I will.




Oh, and everyone go see The Fountain. It was really good.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Need to re-finance my life...

You know, I find it really weird and upsetting that I can't make ends meet on $11/hour. I should be able to make ends meet just fine, considering I'm living in a situation where I only have to pay $200 a month for all rent/utilities and (some) groceries. Could be way worse...

Some things I need to fix:

1) Need to try and perhaps re-finance my car so that I'm not paying $392 a month...

2) Try to re-do my strategy for how I buy groceries/toiletries/supplies. I think I need to lump those into my "spending money" and buy per week so I can play each week by ear, as it comes.

3) Now, if only I had more money to devote to debt...

See, that's the main problem - the debt. I want to pay it off FASTER. I want it to go away so I don't have to worry about it anymore. But I can really only afford like $200 a month, unless I suddenly decide to have no social life...then I could afford like $400 a month ($500 if I complete item number 1).

Other things that gotta get accomplished...

-Gotta get Eric a better paying full-time job
-Gotta start exercising again so I feel like I have energy to DO THINGS once more

On that note, seriously - when I don't exercise I fall into these "physical" depressions where I feel really sluggish and don't have motivation to do anything in the evenings when I get home from work.

Why can't there be a fastfood place that's avocado-based? I'm going to open Avocado Hut.

.....Did I mention I love avocados???


Anyway, I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished today at work (I know I have), and yet I still feel behind. I'm in this frustrating situation where I WANT to do the work (I know I can) and feel good about it to impress them and show them I can do it, but I'm angry that this work is actually higher than I'm getting paid for, and I want to get paid what I should be getting paid for doing it all.

I now have to share my office with someone else. Blah. She's nice, but still, was so nice having my own office.

Anyway, I better get back to "the workin'..."