Synaptic Tangent

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cooking Dinner

Here's what I made for dinner. Thought I would share! It was tasty.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Amazing the Welkin

I'm going to blog more often.

At least, I'm going to mean to do so. We'll see what happens.

Speaking of happenings, a lot has been going on:

I finally got a chance to play a major Shakespearean role. I was the title role in Richard III. I was already cast as the Duke of Buckingham, but Cathy Kurz calls me up 3 days before we start rehearsals to ask me to step into the title role, as John Jackson has had to drop the show. I accept. I am terrified. But now, the show is over. And I'm very happy. Really, I am. I know I did well. A lot of compliments, yes, but I could feel myself grow as an actor during the experience. Getting through this, doing this kind of a role...has strengthened my confidence. It gave me permission to realize to myself, "I can do this. I can be an actor."

Secondly, my Grandma Helen passed away. She was diagnosed back in March with stage four pancreatic cancer, and I'm amazed she lasted this long. She died on September 10th. I got to see her, though. A lot. Even during our tech week of the show. I took off work, and by the grace of God, got to see my grandma on the last day she was still coherent and able to hold conversation. We said our goodbyes to one another. I've never done that before, with anyone. Not like that. My Grandpa Sid said his goodbyes to me, yes, but I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. This time, I did. And it will always stay with me.

Finally, our apartment building was sold to Community Alliance. They only specialize in housing for people with mental illness. As such, they are not renewing the leases of the current residents. So Eric and I have found a new place to move to in late October. It's a large complex just south of 72nd and Center called Spring Acres. Yes, I know, it sounds like a retirement community. But it's not (I think). It will be nice, though. Slightly bigger apartment, at least 700 square feet. We'll have a walk-through closet and a den that's attached to the living room (probably will be turned into an office).


As for tonight, we watched more of Battlestar Galactica with Tim, April and John. We've started the final season. I'm enjoying the fact that at first they were humoring me and now they're hooked on the series. Toldya!

Back to the grind, tomorrow. Blech. Oh well. Life moves. I won't say "on". It isn't always "on," but it certainly moves.

Oh, and ask Matt Brown about the new euphemism (stolent from a Richard III line) for masturbation - "amazing the welkin".
