Synaptic Tangent

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I dreamt I was at some performance space, but it looked like it was more for rodeos or hoe-downs or something, rather than plays. It was dusty and there was like straw and wood shavings everywhere. But a play was being done. And it was a BSB play. And Cathy Kurz was starring in this BSB play...about Hello, Dolly. No, it was not a production of Hello, Dolly.....

It was a drama about the life of Carol Channing in Hello, Dolly.

And Cathy was playing the part of Carol Channing. And Jennifer McGill was apparently playing Sister James from Doubt, which has nothing to do with Hello, Dolly, but hey, there she was, all right.

And I'm in the wings and I'm watching this weird show, and I look out and happen to notice they're performing to an almost empty house. The only person sitting in the bleacher-style seats with their straw and wood and sod is Melanie. Melanie's trying her darnedest to cheer and applaud this production, since no one else is watching.

So I go out into the audience with John Gallop and also with Jennifer (still in her nun outfit) to sit with Melanie and cheer Cathy/Carol Channing. And I distinctly recall thinking "WTF? Cathy wouldn't do this play..."

So we sit with Mel and we chat a at normal level (there's lots of noise on stage and no one on stage really seems to give a shit who's paying attention). We're like "OK, I'll sit here. Is that OK? Yeah, of course it's OK, there's plenty of room, since no one else is here."

And all of sudden this voice chimes in behind us, a few "bleacher" rows back, near the top level. There's some figure sitting in the shadows, can't make out his face exactly. But this sort of "gangsta" voice irritably says:

"Y'all better shut da fuck up!"

This person in the shadows was apparently trying to watch the show and we were being impolite. So then Melanie stares at him, taken aback. And the voice replies:

"Y'all better sit down and rock on ya muthafuckin box."

Whatever that means.

End of dream.