Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, January 04, 2009

WTF Do You Do with Leftover Pumpkin Butter???

Well, you can put it on whole wheat toast. That's what I did this morning, for Eric GL and myself ... Of course, that only ends up using like two more tablespoons of the stuff, when I still have at least a cup of it to go.

Drives me nuts when recipes don't even out correctly.

If you're going "Eric, wtf is pumpkin butter? You're crazy, I hate you, and I hate your stupid imaginary pumpkin butter, Eric!" well...I suppose you may have a normal reaction, but let me explain:

Pumpkin puree, apple juice, sugar, grove cloves, cinnamon and ginger, all boiled together to the consistency of applesauce. It goes over pecan-crusted pork chops. And it's amazing. Ask Eric GL.

I'm in a very foody mood.

Yesterday morning, I made an omelette with avocado and tomato. Had some leftover fresh basil too, so I chopped that up as well, and then added some grated romano cheese. Ate the leftover tomato and avocado slices as a side dish (salt and basil on the tomato, then salt, pepper and white vinegar on the avocado). It was heavenly.

Melanie, you could always try it with just the avocado. I'm not sure I'd add the basil, though, if you're not using the tomato.

Did I mention I love my new santoku knife?!?!

I gave a nice demonstration of the santoku for Melanie, Patrick and John G. last night, after dinner. We destroyed a banana (peel still on, of course, otherwise what the fuck is the point of demonstrating the knife?) slicing it in several places, like a box cutter going through tissue paper.

I want to cook more fresh stuff, but I should watch my spending until this Friday (payday) becauses of two things: dinner last night (Spezia's, pretty damn good) was like $75, and then there's the OEA Awards this Thursday.

Speaking of which, I took Friday off work. Time to get plastered...again. You know, the holidays probably age me at least another year, with all the parties going on. Speaking of drinking, don't ever order the cheap "well" Scotch at a suburban bar. Just don't. Trust me. You will want to DIE.

Don't get me wrong, I love this particular bar. Just not a good place to order Scotch. Especially after you've already had three draws of Shiner Bock and then a tall Coke mixed with some kind of triple-berry vodka. Actually, I wouldn't have had that much beer, but I ran into a guy who I used to work with, at Pamida corporate offices. He and his wife, back then, were looking for a karaoke bar, so I recommended Mic's. I guess they became sometimes-regulars. So he and his buddy were there, and I said hello, and they both bought me a drink. Then, they were talking about women and asking me to concur with their statements. So I nodded and smiled, politely.

I love it when married guys I barely know assume I'm as straight as they are, and start chatting away, with their arm across my shoulders.

I feel like getting some of the cuts to Semblable completed today. I think that shall be on today's task list.

....Eh, screw task lists! I'm just gonna do it and pretend it's not on my "agenda".

Make it easy
Make this easy
It's not as heavy as it seems
Wrapped in metal
Wrapped in ivy
Painted in mint ice cream

We could be bouncing
Off the top of this cloud
(I'll bring my silver)
About what you said,
Has it come to this?