Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Thoughts and Stuff

Well, mid-way through the run of another show, we're starting up rehearsals for the next'un. The Lark. And we're using a lot of the same cast, too, now. Both Eric and I are doing it, and so is Chip, and Delaney, and Laura. I don't know if Scott is or not, but I hope he takes a break, actually - he needs it. But we always need guys.

(Interruption - wow...Eric's mom's been screaming at Jordan off and on for the past hour, now, I think...anyway...)

People need to e-mail me back about Acrobat. I'm tired of everyone not following up on shit. We'll start calling them this week. We need to start having production meetings soon again, too.

You know, I'm really enjoying Translations. It's been such a long time since I've had to do an emotional scene like that (in Act III), and it's good to know I still have the ability to do it. Actually, I think this is the best I've ever done with a scene like that. So, I'm very happy about it. I always used to psych myself out of stuff like that, so I must finally be starting to relax more and learn and grow in my acting, thanks to BSB!

I guess Lena is having a going-away thinger tonight at 10 at Clancy's. I shall miss her. We all shall. I wanted her to be able to do Semblable. You know, Tim Siragusa never got back to me on that submission (neither did Scott Working). Doalty would say...

Oh well, RTG will have fun mounting Semblable after Acrobat is done!

Eric and I went to Granite City for dinner on Valentine's Day. Three words: avocado ranch dressing! That's right. And then we saw Babel, which was really good. It had themes that reminded me of Translations. It's funny that Fischbach's review said the same thing the next day.

I want to see The Fountain again.

You know, I'm a little weary of my parents asking me to reserve comp tickets for them, and then they don't show up. This happens with every show. Oh well.

Okay, I think that's all, for now. Here's this, in memory of Nicole, who loved this song:

The courage of a dreamer...
The innocence of youth...
The failures and the foolishness
That lead us to the truth...
The hopes that make us happy...
The hopes that don't come true...
And all the love there ever was--
I see this all in you.

You are part...
Part of the human heart.
You are part...

Of all who took the journey
And managed to endure...
The ones who knew such tenderness...
The ones who felt so sure...
The ones who came before you...
The others yet to come...
And those who you will teach it to...
And those you learned it from...

You are part...
Part of the human heart.
You are part...

This is the gift I give:
Through your love, you'll live

You are part,
Part of the human heart.