Synaptic Tangent

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Oodle Doodle

So, I haven't posted in forever plus three...

Yeah, I love my new job. The only disadvantage is all the gas I spend now working in downtown Omaha, but I'm hoping maybe to move into Omaha sometime soon-ish. But I don't have to spend all day getting stupid incoming phone calls from stupid tools about their stupid money. Oh no, no, no...I get to process and just making outbound calls to agents when their paperwork has outstanding requirements. Yay for no customer service work! Also, the company is really great and I like the people there too.

I didn't really get to see Eric much on Valentine's Day, but I did stop by the Chanticleer before his rehearsal (after work) and gave him a card and chocolate truffles. Mmm...truffles...

Okay, I can't think of much else to s - Oh! Chicago was awesome! I saw Navy Pier, the Field Museum, Sears Tower, Art Institute and Museum of Hollography.

Anyway, I'm really, really, really tired...but Melanie wanted me to update my blog. So here it be.

I'm feeling really torn about my family and my friends, boyfriend and lifestyle. It's like I'm stuck between two worlds that I can't ever reconcile, and sooner or later I'm going to have to leave the former behind. And I don't know how, because I do love my family...but...I don't feel at home with them.

Anyway, that's all, folks.

"ANDREW: If at first you don't succeed... (Pause)
ANDREW: I don't know the rest. The guy who said that to me jumped off the bridge at that point."